Airport Collaborative Decision-Making – Optimisation through Collaboration

 Partnership is one of the three pillars of Vision 2020. The partnership between airports, airlines and ATM to reduce congestion and delays is key to improving efficiency at airports. This partnership is realised through the concept of airport collaborative decision-making (A-CDM), which is being used effectively by many CANSO Members.

The purpose of this CANSO guide, Airport Collaborative Decision-Making: Optimisation through Collaboration – An Introductory Guide for Air Navigation Service Providers, [link] is to support Member ANSPs in implementing the A-CDM concept and processes and thus improve the efficiency of global air transport. It considers A-CDM through a non-technical prism to bring the concept to a broad audience and is aimed at managers and operational staff. It focuses on the strategies rather than the technicalities and helps ANSPs overcome some of the institutional and organisational barriers to implementing A-CDM.

The Guide provides detailed practical examples of how nine ANSPs implemented A-CDM, the challenges they faced, and how they overcame those challenges. These nine case studies enable other Members to face and overcome similar challenges in their own implementation.

A-CDM Operations